Friday, December 21, 2012

All the Maya about Mayans and 21st December

"The TV says the world is going to end today" asked our maid "is that  true, Anna?"
We were walking to my office - she cleans it on alternate days. I answered while dodging some unmentionable stuff on the pavement "Let's get the office cleaned anyway. What if it doesn't end tomorrow?"

She smiled and nodded. Soon as I walked in, I did the first thing any productive person does - check facebook.
And it was replete with 21st December jokes, hoakes, and everything in between. And I decided .. I also needed to come up with a theory.

There was once a Mayan.
Handsome he sure was,
and his wife - cute as a button.
She adored his mane and calves
and made him feel like a lion

This amazing and wonderful life
was one day cut short
when her play with some shrooms and a knife
resulted in her last snort
and there he was, suddenly without a wife

Deep in his despondency
he heard this voice "Build a calendar"
It may have been a friend calling
"Hi there Wagendar"
but debating that today would be heresy

So, the calendar became his life
Till the day he died
even then without a wife
When that was, we cannot guess the number
but last day on his artifact was the 21st of December

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